Friday, May 6, 2011


*click* *click* BOOM!!!!!

That's what woke me up this morning. Strangely enough I didn't immediately get up after hearing that. There had been some workers out yesterday morning; I thought they were out earlier this morning. Annoying, but no reason to get up.

Then my upstairs neighbor started going crazy. It sounded like he was going back and forth between rooms making way too much noise for that early. Is anyone gonna let me sleep?

Then I heard sirens in the distance. At first I was mad. Its was just after 5:30 so I had about another hour to sleep. I'm never gonna fall back asleep. Then they go closer and I thought, "good, now someone's gonna get in trouble for all that noise..."

As the sirens got closer, it became clear there was something wrong. I decided to get up and take a look and outside my window was red. I pulled the blinds open and saw a fire bursting out of the garages across the alley. The fire truck hadn't arrived yet. At this point I was more intrigued than scared. I went to the living room to get my camera (The blog must know of this!)

I opened those blinds and the fire had grown. OH S***!!! It seemed to be only to be feet away from my building. Now I'm in panic mode. I flung into action. PUT PANTS ON!! GET YOUR SHOES!!!! GET OUT!!!! I could actually feel the heat in my own living room. I had my camera out, but the wrong lens was on and there was no way I could focus even if it was right.

At this point the calvary(firemen) show up. I swear there had to be at least 25 of them. They put the flames out in maybe 25 seconds. It was quick. After that there were a few minor fires that sprung up, but they handled those easily. They actually ended up having to cut up the room with a giant saw to get the last of it. It was a crazy morning.

On a sidenote. It's really hard to find pictures of firefighters that aren't of them undressed. I mean seriously. It's ridiculous:

So, I'm gonna post this safe dalmatian one instead and call it a day. Thanks firemen.