Tuesday, December 14, 2010

New York, New York

Like I said last week, I spent the weekend in New York. My girlfriend's sister gave us some of her hotel points so we get to stay in Manhattan free for two nights! Look at this view!! Did I mention we paid nothing!?!!

I'm actually very disappointed that we didn't jump on the bed :(. I had planned on doing it, but totally forgot about it. Life is filled with disappointments. Some big, some small. This one will hurt for awhile.

We didn't really head to the city with any concrete plans, so a lot of the time was spent just walking around, taking in the Christmas feel. A funny thing I noticed. Everyone knows the stereotype that New Yorkers are rude, but the rudest people were the tourists. Like this guy:

It was obvious I taking a picture. I had been setting up the shot, waiting for the cars to start moving and this guy walks and just stands there. And it wasn't even like he was going somewhere. He just wanted to stand right there at that exact moment. Sigh... some people. I hope someone stole his wallet.

One of the major bonuses of the trip was going to Madison Square Garden. Like I said last week it was my first. Growing up following the Jordan Bulls, I hated the Knicks and that stupid organ. Once I got in the building though, it was so cool. When the game got close and the crowd was chanting "DE-FENCE!" along with the organ I gotta admit, I got goose bumps. I still don't like the Knicks though. Like usual, Spike Lee was at the game as you can see from my photo. He's the one with the blue hat with the orange bill.

I yelled down that I loved "Inside Man". I think I saw his head move. He probably heard me.

I took a ton of photos that I'd love to share, but I know that would get boring, so instead of posting all of them I just made a video. Nearly 500 photos in a minute! Enjoy!!

Ok, I lied. Here are some more photos :)

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