So this is my 3rd update about my fixed gear project. Since you've last heard about it, I've bought the pedals, the crankset, and a chain. The package with all the parts came on a friday and I spent almost the entire saturday installing and uninstalling just waiting for the bike to be rideable. So, the last thing I needed was a stem adapter to attach the handlebars. After having the hardest time finding one, I finally found one (pictured below... It really isn't the shiny) that was at a bike shop in Annapolis. The only thing was that it was expensive. Let's just say it wasn't the most expensive part of the bike, but it was more than the frame. Sigh...
So anyway, the handlebars were attached and the bike was rideable. So even though I had no brakes I still had to ride it. You know, keepin it real. Getting on it was the first challenge. Its surprisingly hard to get on. The pedals move when the bike moves so getting my feet in the pedal cages was like hitting a moving target while also trying not to hit the people/cars in front of me. Did I mention it was dark and there were like a million people randomly on the street. I looked like such a moron.
Anyway, I finally got my feet in the pedal cages and it was smooth riding. For about a block. Then I heard a snap and the sound of metal hitting the ground. My chain had broken.
Shit. The chain has a quick release function and it decided to quick release in the middle of the street. I know, a very useful function.
I picked up the chain parts, stuffed them into my pocket and headed back to my apartment a defeated man. I then had probably the worst idea I've ever had. I figured why was I walking the bike back when I could just ride it. I mean its down hill, so I won't have to pedal. As I'm going down the hill, I try to stop and only then I remember that there are no brakes and no chain, so I can't lock the wheels to come to a skidding stop. I've never been so afraid on a bike before. Imagine riding downhill on a dark street gaining speed with no way of stopping (crashing is of course an option). I didn't have to crash. Eventually I was able to turn onto a side street that wasn't sloped and stopped with my feet Fred Flintstone style.
Once the chain was back on, and secure. I gave it one more shot. Same problem getting on it, but I got over it. Chain stayed on this time, so I decided to try going down a hill. Bad a idea. When you don't have brakes its really hard to stop. This was my moment of clarity. I ended up grabbing onto a parked car to stop this time. sigh...
Now its settled. I'm not hipster enough to go brakeless. I've ordered some unique looking break levers all the way from Japan. They're bent, so I'm hoping they'll fit right underneath my bullhorn handlebars. Since they're from Japan, they are automatically better/cooler/stronger than anything anyone could get here and it transforms. That's right, hipster status: