Tuesday is primary election day in DC. Not to offend any of the people running, but the race everyone is concerned about is the Democratic mayoral primary. This one matches the incumbent Adrian "fleet feet" Fenty against councilman Vincent "Vinnie don't call me Vince" Gray. DC has enjoyed higher test scores, population growth and less violent crime under Fenty, but his techniques have come under fire. From his policy on firing teachers to his spats with the council, he's been pretty much viewed as a jerk (the people at his parents shoe store, Fleet Feet, are also jerks. Not that it has anything to do with the election, but I just wanted to mention it. I mean seriously, if you're not a marathoner they don't even look at you)
I haven't really paid too much attention in the past, but the consensus is that Gray has been a good councilman, but some question whether or not it will transition into being a good mayor. Despite Gray's qualities, this election seems to be about people that don't like Fenty. In recent weeks Fenty has appeared more humble, but it seems to be too little, too late. Gray is expected to win. Big. We shall see...
Sadly enough when I sat down to do my research for the races (the first time I ever did this for a local election) I realized that when I registered to vote back in the day I didn't choose a party affiliation so I will missing out on the Fenty-Gray battle royale :(. The election is essentially canceled for me.
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