Sunday, February 27, 2011

QWOP: The Impossible Game

Have you heard of QWOP yet? A friend sent me this link last week. While it looks simple, it's really complicated. If you're interested in getting work done, I suggest that you don't click here. If you're interested in being extremely frustrated go right ahead.

I'm not saying its as bad as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles from nintendo, QWOP is actually fun. Try it... Please try it and then come back.

Did you end up something like this? I did. Many times. My record distance in only 8 meters and I cheated to get it.

The word on the street is that there's a hurdle at 50 meters. Thats just mean


  1. Wow...seriously. Does your mom read your blog, L-Train? Because if she watches that TMNT video, then you should be ashamed of yourself. BTW, the QWOP game is frustrating. D

  2. Haha, she's the one that bought that game for us, so she has no room to be offended :)
