Monday, November 29, 2010


So this morning on my way back from Thanksgiving break I noticed the plane had free Wi-Fi. It was cool for like 30 seconds, then I realized that I had absolutely nothing to do that needed the internet. After sending a few emails telling some of friends I was emailing them from a plane, I decided to check my blog. Kind of like when your parents got their first cell phone and they called you from the car to tell you they were calling you from the car.

Anyway I decided to write a blog post from the airplane saying that I was writing the post from the airplane and how technology was great and I was awesome for doing the whole thing from my ipod. I started with googling an image of a plane. Looking up pictures of planes while on a plane looked really shady, so I quickly changed the search the movie airplane. Anyway, I wasn't able to edit the text so this whole post is kind of a fail.

Little did I know that Leslie Nielson had recently passed away, so this post will be a rebranded as a Leslie Nielson tribute :) Once again, this back when OJ was respectable.

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